Biology Reference
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gastrointestinal haemorrhage nos
myocardial infarction
haemoglobin decreased
chest pain
maternal drugs affecting foetus
death nos
Reporting Ratio
Fig. 15.8. Adverse event plot for the drug aspirin, based on the 100 most frequently occurring ad-
verse events, with the point sizes proportional to the suspect fraction S ab .
It is instructive to compare the appearance of the adverse event plots obtained
for drugs from each of these groups with point sizes proportional to the subjective
association measure S ab . Fig. 15.8 presents this result for the drug aspirin from
cluster no. 1 (the “low-blame group”). This plot should be compared with Figs.
15.2 and 15.3 discussed earlier, for the drugs infliximab (from cluster no. 3, the
“high-blame group”)andfluoxetine (from cluster no. 2, the “appropriate blame
group”), respectively. It is clear from these plots that the points are uniformly
large for infliximab, indicating a large S ab value, mostly independent of U ab and
R ab , and generally small for aspirin, indicating a small S ab value, again mostly
independent of U ab and R ab . In contrast, the point sizes vary significantly for
fluoxetine, indicating that S ab varies significantly with U ab and R ab for this drug.
The informal verbal descriptions given above for each of the three partitions
in the basic clustering are represented graphically in Fig. 15.9, which gives side-
by-side boxplot summaries by cluster for each of three variables on which this
clustering is based. The left-most three boxplots show how the mean S ab value
varies for each cluster, demonstrating that this value is consistently larger for clus-
ter 3 than for either of the other two clusters. Also, while the total range of S ab
values is essentially identical for clusters 1 and 2, the middle 50% of these values
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