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(6) Mechanism 6 is definedbythe α values ranging from 183 to 267 and
indicates that both TL and TR decreases;
(7) Mechanism 7 is definedbythe α values ranging from 267 to 273 and
indicates that TL does not change although TR decreases; and
(8) Mechanism 8 is definedbythe α values ranging from 273 to 357 and
indicates that TL increases even though TR decreases.
Note that Mechanisms 9 is not shown above because it is defined not by α but by
the values of ∆ TL and ∆ TR both being zero.
Since there are 5 vectors per TL-TR trajectory, there are a total of 5
5 , 725 =
28 , 625 values of α to be calculated. These values are calculated using the formula
given in the previous section and displayed in Table 12.1. The rows numbered 1
through 5 refer to the 5 time intervals and the columns numbered 1 through 8 refer
to the mechanisms of controlling mRNA levels. Due to a large number of genes
involved, we used the normal approximation approach, leading to the results that
the observed proportions for Mechanisms 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are significantly
different from the expected except for Mechanism 5. In other words, all of the 8
mechanisms are observed to occur in budding yeast cells under the experimental
conditions employed, except Mechanisms 5 and 9.
Table 12.1. The frequency distributions of the 8 modules of RNA metabolism (defined in the leg-
end to Fig. 12.2) as the functions of the 5 time periods following the glucose-galactose shift.If the
angles are randomly distributed over 360 , the expected distributions can be calculated as shown
in the 8 th row. The p -values for the difference between the observed and the expected distri-
butions are given in the last row.
The differences are all significant, except for Mechanism 5.
The numbers in Table 12.1 represent the frequencies of the different mech-
anisms that occur in budding yeast during one of the five time intervals. Thus,
during the first time interval ( i.e. , from 0 to 5 minutes), no gene experienced (or ex-
hibited) Mechanism 1; 142 genes experienced Mechanism 2; 234 genes exhibited
Mechanism 3; 3,470 genes experienced Mechanism 4; 96 experienced Mecha-
nism 5; 1,732 genes experienced Mechanism 6; 12 genes experienced Mechanism
7; and 39 experienced Mechanism 8. If the various mechanisms occur randomly
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