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Fig. 1.3. A graph G with a crown I∪H . The thick edges constitute a maximum matching of size |H|
in the bipartite graph that is induced by the edges between I and H .
integer k .
T ASK :Finda k -vertex clique in G .
It is also a common task to enumerate maximal cliques in a graph, that is, all
cliques that are not a proper subset of any other clique.
C LIQUE is NP-hard [32] and hard to approximate in polynomial time [42]. In
a similar sense as it is generally assumed that P
= NP, it is strongly believed that
C LIQUE is not fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of the
cliques that are sought after [25]. Nevertheless, C LIQUE has a close connection
to the fixed-parameter tractable V ERTEX C OVER problem that we used as our
running example to introduce fixed-parameter techniques: If an n -vertex graph
contains a size- k clique, then its complement graph g contains a size-( n
k ) vertex
cover and vice versa. This can be made use of when seeking after or enumerating
cliques. Finding Maximum Cardinality Cliques
The catch when solving C LIQUE for a graph G by means of finding a minimum-
cardinality vertex cover for the complement graph G is that if the maximum size k
of a clique in G is rather small compared to its total number of vertices n ,then G
will have a rather large minimum-size vertex cover. Therefore, one has to rely
on effective data reduction rules that preprocess the complement graph G so that
depth-bounded search tree algorithms become practically applicable for the re-
duced graph that remains. One kernelization for V ERTEX C OVER that has proven
itself to be of particular practical importance in this respect is the so-called crown
reduction [1], which generalizes the V ERTEX C OVER data reduction rule VC2
(the elimination of degree-1 vertices by taking their neighbors into the cover) and
thus leads to a data reduction that requires no explicit knowledge of the parame-
ter k and yields a kernel with a number of vertices linear in k .
g That is, the graph that contains exactly those edges that are not contained in the original graph.
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