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k − 2
k − 2
k − 2
Fig. 1.2. Simple search tree for finding a vertex cover of size at most k in a given graph. The size of
the tree is upper-bounded by O (2 k ).
one of these two vertices must be part of a solution. Thus, a simple search-tree
algorithm to solve V ERTEX C OVER on a graph G proceeds by picking an arbitrary
edge e =
and recursively searching for a vertex cover of size k
1 both
w . e That is, the algorithm branches into two subcases knowing
one of them must lead to a solution of size at most k —if one such solution exists.
As shown in Fig. 1.2, these recursive calls of the simple V ERTEX C OVER
algorithm can be visualized as a tree structure. Because the depth of the recursion
is upper-bounded by the parameter value and we always branch into two subcases,
the size of this tree is upper-bounded by O (2 k ). This means that the size of the
tree is independent of the size of the initial input instance and only depends on the
value of the parameter k .
The main idea behind fixed-parameter algorithmics is to get the combinatorial
explosion as small as possible. For our V ERTEX C OVER example, one can easily
achieve a size- o (2 k ) search tree by distinguishing more detailed branching cases
rather than just picking single endpoints of edges to be in the cover. f An exam-
ple for such an “improved” search-tree is given in our case study of C LUSTER
E DITING in Sec. 1.3.2. The currently “best” search trees for V ERTEX C OVER
are of size O (1 . 28 k ) [15] and mainly achieved by extensive case distinguishing.
However, it should be noted for practical applications that it is always concrete im-
plementation and testing that has to decide whether the administrative overhead
in G
v and G
e For a vertex v
v to be the graph G with v and the edges incident to v removed.
f Note that analogously to the case of data reduction, most of these branchings assume that only one
minimum solution is sought after. Since some graphs can have 2 k minimum vertex covers, a size-
o (2 k ) search tree for enumerating all minimum vertex covers requires the use of compact solution
representations as outlined by Damaschke [21] and is beyond the scope of this work.
V ,wedefine G
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