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Fig. 1.1.
A graph with a size-8 vertex cover (cover vertices are marked black, the solution size is
1.2. Fixed-Parameter Tractability Basics and Techniques
In this section, we introduce the basics of fixed-parameter tractability, in particular
exhibiting two techniques that are of major practical importance a and have by now
facilitated many success stories in bioinformatics, namely
kernelizations, that is, data reductions with provable performance guar-
antees (Sec. 1.2.1) and
depth-bounded search trees (Sec. 1.2.2).
Both techniques are introduced by means of a single natural and easy to grasp
problem, namely the NP-hard V ERTEX C OVER problem.
I NPUT : An undirected graph G =( V,E ) and a nonnegative
integer k .
T ASK : Find a subset of vertices C
V with k or fewer vertices
such that each edge in E has at least one of its endpoints in C .
This problem is illustrated in Fig. 1.1 and is—among many other applications—of
central importance to practically solving the C LIQUE problem that we discuss in
Sec. 1.3.1. b
Throughout this work, we assume basic knowledge from algorithmics [19, 48]
and graph theory [24, 71]. For a given undirected graph G =( V,E ),wealways
use n to denote the number of its vertices and m to denote the number of its edges.
For v
V ,weuse N G ( v ) to denote the neighbor set
and N G [ v ] to denote the closed neighborhood N G ( v )
, omitting the indices
whenever they are clear from the context.
The core approach of fixed-parameter tractability [25, 30, 60] is to consider
parameterized problems —that is, problems that consist of the instance I and a pa-
a A broader view on fixed-parameter algorithm design techniques can be found in Ref. 60.
b V ERTEX C OVER is the Drosophila of fixed-parameter research in that many initial discoveries that
influenced the whole field originated from studies of this single problem (e.g., see Guo et al. [40]).
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