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procedure CriticalNodeLS ( G,k )
X ←∅
f ( X )
for j =1to MaxIter do
CriticalNode ( G,k )
X ← LocalSearch (X)
if f ( X ) <f ( X ) then
end if
X )/
return ( V
set of k nodes to delete
end procedure CriticalNodeLS
Fig. 7.3.
The multi-start framework for the critical node heuristic.
procedure GeneticAlgorithm
Generate population P k
Evaluate population P k
while terminating condition not met do
Select individuals from P k and copy to P k +1
Crossover individuals from P k and put in P k +1
Mutate individuals from P k and put in P k +1
Evaluate population P k +1
P k +1
( P k +1 ←∅
) end while
return best individual in P k
end procedure GeneticAlgorithm
P k
Fig. 7.4.
Pseudo-code for a generic genetic algorithm.
Figure 7.4 provides pseudo-code for a standard genetic algorithm. Genetic algo-
rithms were introduced in 1977 by Holland, and were greatly invigorated by the
work of Goldberg. [13]
7.5. Computational Experiments
In this section, we present some preliminary computational results on real protein-
protein interaction networks obtained from the literature.
In particular, three
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