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that φ ( m )
v ,v 1 ,v 2 ,...,v |W| }
G , we conclude
+1, and since η (
) solves
that φ ( m )=
Our next goal is to calculate φ (2) for acyclic graphs. The key observation in
this case is that the most complicated subgraphs induced by a solution are paths.
To motivate this intuition, consider the diversity graph in Fig. 6.2. Notice that both
η (
v 1 ,v 3
v 2 ,v 4
w 1
) but that the path v 1 ,w 1 ,v 3
) and η (
) are solutions to γ (
has the advantage over v 2 ,w 1 ,v 4
since the single node v 5
can be appended to
v 1 ,v 3 ,v 5
w 1 ,w 2
the path so that η (
). If we had instead selected
v 2 ,w 1 ,v 4 , then both v 3 and v 5 would have been needed so that η (
) solves γ (
v 2 ,v 3 ,v 4 ,v 5
). It is clear in this example that φ (2) = 3 and that m =2.
The intuition is that we want to decompose the graph into longest paths, a process
explained by Algorithm 6.1. The fact that this technique minimizes the number of
paths is established in Theorem 6.8. The proof is by induction on
w 1 ,w 2
solved γ (
and relates
φ (2) as defined on (
) to φ (2) as defined on one of its subgraphs.
Algorithm 6.1. Theorem 6.8 shows that this algorithm calculates φ (2).There-
moval of the path in Step 4 means that all nodes and edges in P k are removed.
An Algorithm to Decompose the acyclic bipartite graph ( V,W,E ) into the Fewest Paths
Set k =0and ( V k ,W k , E k )=( V,W, E ).
Step 1:
Step 2:
Find the longest path in ( V k ,W k , E k ),say P k . If no path exists, set P k = .
If P k =
Step 3:
, stop.
Step 4:
Set ( V k +1 ,W k +1 , E k +1 )=( V k ,W k , E k ) \P v .
Step 5:
Increase k by 1.
Step 6:
Go to Step 2.
Theorem 6.8. Let (
,η,γ ) be an acyclic diversity graph. Then Algo-
rithm 6.1 calculates φ (2) , and in particular, if k is the number of paths found
by the algorithm, then φ (2) =
+ k .
=1, Algorithm 6.1 clearly finds an optimal solution. Assume the
result is true as long as
|W| ≤
q .Let(
,η,γ ) be an acyclic diversity graph
|W| = q +1. Apply Algorithm 6.1 to ( V,W,E ) and let P 1 ,P 2 ,...,P k be
the paths in non-increasing length found by the algorithm. Denote the last path as
P k = v 1 ,w 1 ,v 2 ,w 2 ,...,w r ,v r +1 .Let
W =
w r
E =
( w r ,v ):
N ( w r )
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