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3 . Some 40 percent of the Portuguese who left Mozambique for Portugal in 1974-75 were illiterate
(Errante 2003).
4 . Frates (2002) describes a three-tiered society of the city as a whole: black, assimilado , and white.
5 . By 1982, most of the country's economy was state-run (Pitcher 2002).
6 . A second home was permitted if it was located in the countryside.
7 . Nationalization of rental housing should not be confused with nationalization of land. In order to
put a halt to speculation, the government has claimed since 1975the sole right to buyand sell land.
8 . See Martin Murray's observations regarding de Certeau and urban squatters in and around Johan-
nesburg (Murray 2008, 106).
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Anon. 1974. “'Apartheid' na habitação” [Apartheid in housing]. Tempo , October 27.
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Bender, Gerald J. 1978. Angola under the Portuguese: The Myth and the Reality . Berkeley: University
of California Press.
Boxer, C. R. 1963. Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1415-1825. Oxford, UK: Clar-
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———. 1973. The Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1415-1825 . Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
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gime.” Geopolitics 11 (3): 367-95.
Tempo , October 4.
viations]. Tempo , July 24.
———. 1983b. “Operação Produção: de casa em casa” [Production operation: From house to house].
Tempo , August 14.
———. 1983c. “Operação Produção: até onde é que devemos intervir?” [Production operation: How
far should we intervene?]. Tempo , August 28.
Castelo, Cláudia. 2001. O modo portuguê s de estar no mundo: o luso-tropicalismo e a ideologia colo-
nial portuguesa (1933-1961 ) [The Portuguese way of being in the world: The Luso-tropical colo-
nial ideology]. Porto: Afrontamento.
———.2007. Passagens para África: o povoamento de Angola e Moçambique com naturais da metró-
pole (1920-1974) [Flights to Africa: the population of Angola and Mozambique with natural met-
ropolis]. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Çelik,Zeynep.1997. Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French Rule .Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Certeau, Michel de. 1984. The Practice of Everyday Life , translated by Steven Rendall. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
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