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by India in 1961; 6. Macau, transferred to China in 1999; 7. Portuguese Timor (now East Timor),
independent in 1975. (Credit: Luciana Justiniani Hees and Wikimedia Commons)
revolt shook Angola and India annexed Portuguese possessions on the Indian coast. As
in Angola, guerilla-based independence movements were soon launched in Guinea and
then Mozambique, and Portugal waged three wars in Africa for more than a decade.
In 1974, a coup in Lisbon led by left-wing army officers toppled Portugal's right-wing
dictatorship, and the independence of Portugal's five African colonies— which also in-
and Guinea-Bissau (as it was now called) entered the community of nations as some of
the poorest, most underdeveloped countries in the world. (Perhaps the true end of em-
pire, however, was in 1999, when Portugal's last colonial enclave, Macau, a city near
Hong Kong, was ceded to China, 502 years after Vasco da Gama's first journey past the
Cape of Good Hope.)
role the colonies played in the imagination of successive Lisbon regimes; the country's
future was said to depend on the preservation of an empire that echoed its heroic “Age
ofDiscoveries” ofcenturies before(Duffy1962).Anoft-useditemofpropaganda,from
the Colonial Exhibition held in Porto in 1934, showed Portugal's various possessions
superimposed onamapofEuropeandcoveringanareastretching fromtheIberianPen-
insula to Russia (Cairo 2006). The map's title: “Portugal is not a small country.” Des-
pite Portugal's past exploits, however, and despite the accumulated landmass flying its
flag, Portugal itself remained a poor backwater, economically dependent on Britain. For
centuries successive Lisbon governments struggled to raise the capital and maintain the
administrative capacity to profitably exploit the colonies to Portugal's benefit. Colonial-
ism often seemed to be an enterprise far beyond its means (Duffy 1962; Isaacman and
Isaacman 1983; Newitt 1995; Castelo 2007).
After World War II, perhaps what most distinguished Portuguese colonialism in
Africa from practices in other European colonies, and which for a time made Portugal
something of a pariah nation, was the institution of forced labor. This was known in
Mozambique as chibalo . According to laws in effect since the late nineteenth century,
workers or ditch diggers, and with men compelled to work away from home, or to flee
ton cultivation on their own small family fields (Penvenne 1995; Isaacman 1996; Shel-
don 2002).
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