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Computers that act like nature
Many objects found in nature have regular dimensions that when measured,
map to mathematical equations. Have you seen a conch shell cut in half? the
conch shell's spiral is a physical manifestation of an ancient mathematical
concept called a Fibonacci series. The curves of its inner spiral always have
the same shape, whether the shell is the size of a ping-pong ball or the size
of a gigantic melon.
The Fibonacci series is found everywhere in nature. Tree branches fork
according to this sequence. So does the shape of ferns and artichoke lowers,
and even the patterns in swirls and twists of ocean kelp.
A Fibonacci series proceeds in a systematic manner. Each number is the
sum of the previous two so the sequence goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.
A simple rule can generate this unfolding sequence. A computer, given this
rule, can calculate long series of Fibonacci numbers with ease.
As computing power increases, researchers are inding that one of the most
effective ways to mimic nature's design intelligence is to apply mathematical
rules, or algorithms, to generate shape. Computer-generated 3D fractal art has
been around for a few decades, but until recently, has remained imprisoned
in the virtual world. What's changed is that 3D printing is making it possible
to pull elaborate abstract models out of the computer into the physical world.
Before 3D printing, the inner chambers of a conch's chambered spiral could
not be made by anything other than nature.
Designers have used conventional design software for years. Organic design
is a new paradigm that's lourishing now that there's inally an output device
that can unleash those concepts into physical reality. New worlds of design
possibilities are opening up as 3D printers liberate mathematical models and
natural laws from their abstract conines.
Patterns generated by algorithms, or equations, come in as many varieties
are there are people. Using a combination of data and algorithms, designers
can create a broad variety of two and three-dimensional shapes and patterns.
Some algorithms generate branching structures. Others create curved shapes
such as a mass of soap bubbles. Some generate random angular spikes such
as quartz crystals.
Nature's manufacturing process is iterative. Every living organism, from a
simple plant to a human embryo, follows a relatively small set of developmen-
tal “rules” that apply iteratively starting with a simple germ cell or seed. Like
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