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said Brandon. Unlike chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie dough, shortbread
cookie dough can endure high pressure and not fall apart in the oven.
A delicious 3D printed, high res shortbread cookie
Brandon found his way to food printing while working on a research project
in tissue engineering. His research involved applying 3D printing technolo-
gies to help victims of severe burns quickly re-grow destroyed bodily tissue.
Brandon's initial research goal had been to print biodegradable tissue scaffold-
ing whose shape would speed up the growth of new skin and then dissolve,
leaving the new skin to grow in peace.
Since bioprinting artiicial tissue is a cutting edge ield, researchers cre-
ate their own printing materials. Brandon's material of choice was ground
up crab shells mixed with other ingredients to give it the right consistency.
“I spent winter quarter catching crab cells, drying them, and grinding them
into powder to make a paste,” said Brandon. Catching crabs in the icy waters
of Puget Sound, particularly during Seattle's long dark winters, is slow and
chilly work, however.
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