Hardware Reference
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Creating the environment for Leed in
three steps
We already have Apache, MySQL, and PHP installed, and we need a few other
prerequisites to run Leed:
Create a database for Leed
Download the project code and set permissions
Install Leed itself
Creating a database for Leed
Remember the database that we created for MediaDrop in Chapter 1 , Transforming
Your BeagleBone Black into a Media Server ?
You will be at ease here, as this is exactly the same approach because Leed requires
its own database as well.
You will begin by opening a MySQL session:
debian@arm:~$ mysql -u root -p
What we need here is to have a dedicated Leed user with its database. This user
will be connected using the following:
create user 'debian_leed'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'temppwd';
create database leed_db;
use leed_db;
grant create, insert, update, select, delete on leed_db.* to debian_leed@
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