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Installing Subsonic
Like MiniDLNA, Subsonic is really easy to install and simple to configure. Before the
installation itself, you need to retrieve a small but needed prerequisite:
debian@arm:~$ install openjdk-6-jre
Then perform the following steps to install Subsonic:
Click on the Download button from the website or directly go to
http://www.subsonic.org/pages/download.jsp .
2. Select the Debian/Ubuntu installer, which will redirect you to the nearest
SourceForge site with the latest stable release.
Copy the provided URL and paste it in the BeagleBone command line
on PuTTY:
debian@arm:~$ Wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/subsonic/files/
subsonic/4.9/subsonic-4.9.deb/download?use_mirror=netcologne -O
debian@arm:~$ sudo dpkg -i subsonic.deb
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