Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
When installing Android, you need to validate the installation by pressing the Y key
so that the installation process starts:
Wait for the Done message, which notifies the end of the installation process. Plug
your SD card into the BeagleBone board and power it on.
Remember to press the user button to tell the board to start using
SD not eMMC. This button is located on the other side of the SD
card slot.
You will have to wait for a while for the boot to be achieved, which is particularly
long for Android compared with the others. However, our comfort comes at this
price, doesn't it?
If you want, go directly to a walkthrough with Android; skip the next parts until the
Using the expansion board with Android section.
Installing and using Debian
As we did for Android, you can define your boot disk with some easy steps
(please remember that sdf is an example; you need to check your own SD card
device's name):
tar vzxf prebuilt-debian-bbb-exp-20140322.tar.gz
cd Prebuilt/prebuilt-debian-bbb-exp-20140322
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdf
sudo ./mksdcard.sh --device /dev/sdf
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