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computing (Web 3.0). Smartphones equip the sensorium for sublime con-
ditions. The filmic shot is kairotic. The insight of apparatus theory is that a
general electracy must be developed as institution and practice to coordinate
digital equipment with flash reason.
The aesthetics of Moment was formulated in photography by Henri Cartier-
Bresson's “decisive moment” (shooting a la sauvette ). This design principle
has a long history in the visual arts, with painters choosing the telling
instance of an action to lend a narrative dimension to a picture. The
principle reaches its theoretical completion in Gestalt psychology and phe-
nomenology - the principle of Prägnanz : the combination of expectation and
perception to produce default continuities or groupings in experience. Gestalt
manifests the limitations of glance, inadequate to dromospheric sublime that
becomes formless (information sprawl).
Avant-garde poetics invented during this same period (nineteenth-century
Paris), whose prototype is Duchamp's readymades, such as “Fountain,”
extended Kant's Judgment to include the automatism of the snapshot.
Chance as a formal device, coordinated with recording equipment and flash
poetics, were integrated in support of a new attitude towards everyday
life, beyond both knowledge and will (the constitutive stands of Pure and
Practical Reason).
Theoretical complements of vanguard poetics include Georges Bataille's
informe (formless), Deleuze and Guattari's rhizome (swarm), Lacan's stain,
and related engagements with sprawl complexity.
After the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech, you may remember the commentary
that was published in the New Yorker, about the heartbreaking experience of the
police carrying the bodies out of the classrooms while the cellphones in the victim's
pockets and backpacks kept ringing. School Shootings eMorial , shown in Fig. 3.8 ,
consists of an of augmented reality scene including a virtual replica of the Sandy
Hook School sign, 20 backpacks representing each of the students and six apples
representing each of the teachers and staff who lost their life in the Sandy Hook
Elementary School shooting in Connecticut on December 14, 2012. When people
approach the backpacks cell phone ringing sounds are triggered.
Ubiquitous imaging-ubimage signifies within a digitally supported logic in the
apparatus of electracy. There is a backpack (for example), an object ubiquitous as
a commodity, a quasi-object (extimate entity, simulacrum) circulating for its use
and exchange value, becoming signifier. Follow the trace (inference path): Cell
phones were heard ringing in the backpacks of students murdered at Virginia Tech
(04/16/2007). The backpacks of the children slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary
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