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professional and personal projects, while reflecting on the meaning and purpose
of his life. The immediate instructions may be derived from the gradual dawning of
inspiration as the circumstances of recent incidents begin to form into a system of
correspondences producing epiphany.
“He made his way along the train track, past the snow-covered silo that loomed
overhead like a great white cloud, and was soon back inside the station. As he passed
through the empty, dirty building, he saw a dog approaching, wagging its curly tail
in a friendly way. It was a black dog with a round white patch on its forehead.
As he looked across the filthy waiting hall, Ka saw three teenage boys, who were
beckoning the dog with sesame rolls.
There was a long silence. A feeling of peace rose up inside Ka. They were so far
from the center of the world, one couldn't even imagine going there, and as he fell
under the spell of the snowflakes that seemed to hang in the sky outside, he began
to wonder if he had entered a world without gravity. When everyone had ceased to
pay any attention to him, another poem came to Ka.
The poem was made up of many of the thoughts that had come to him all at once
a short while earlier: the falling snow, cemeteries, the black dog running happily
around the station building, an assortment of childhood memories, and the image
that had lured him back to the hotel: Ipek. How happy it made him just to imagine
her face-and also how terrified! He called the poem “Snow.”
Much later when he thought about how he'd written this poem, he had a vision
of a snowflake; this snowflake, he decided, was his life writ small; the poem that
had unlocked the meaning of his life, he now saw sitting at its center. But - just as
the poem itself defies easy explanation - it is difficult to say how much he decided
at that moment and how much of his life was determined by the hidden symmetries
this topic is seeking to unveil. Before finishing the poem, Ka went silently to the
window and watched the scene outside: the large snowflakes floating so elegantly
through the air. He had the feeling that simply by watching the snow fall he would
be able to bring the poem to its predetermined end” (Pamuk 2005 ).
The relay for ubimage is that becoming-poem occurs in the midst of life
experience, and that it makes itself known through augmented perception, memory,
imagination, feeling-an emotional intensification associated with revelation. This
dimension of ordinary moments in everyday life is the one opened to ontological
construction of well-being in electracy. Ubimage is a practice for accomplishing
these events, distributed through konsult, to gather an army for well-being through
an intensity of shared feeling.
With nine locations along the Peace Line in West Belfast, Peace Doors ,shownin
Fig. 3.7 , addresses the ongoing conflict between the Catholic and Protestant com-
munities there. The Peace Line is constructed of walls, fences, industrial complexes
and even a shopping mall, designed to separate the Protestant Shankill neighborhood
to the north from the Catholic Falls Road neighborhood to the south. The first Peace
Line barriers were built in 1969, following the outbreak of the Northern Ireland
riots and “The Troubles”. They were built as temporary structures because they
were indeed meant to be temporary, lasting only 6 months, but due to their effective
nature they have become more permanent, wider and longer across the city.
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