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Though we might argue that the ability to contextualize information, even
symbolically, allowing for prediction, which increases fitness (Wiener et al. 2011 ).
It is not evident how envisioning a holistic world with a degree of detail would
be essential to prediction of some isolated event, which could easily be con-
ceptualized/detected independently. A crucial distinction need be made between
volition and execution, for instance in attributing “intelligence” to entities that
appear animated. Computers manage the assembly of computers. But recursion
is hardly sufficient. What is intelligent is that the execution is not an end, but a
means concocted, with no explicit connection provided between the goal and the
strategy. In this scenario, there is no reason to believe the computers coming off
the assembly line are intelligent. The computer/manager is only routinely obeying
code. Only the human who designed this system as a solution to a personal need
shows actual intelligence. The managing machine cannot be said to have needs. But
the attribution of personality traits to the inanimate computer/manager often fools
not only those in search of evidence of artificial intelligence , but many of us who
merely engage in tool-use during play.
However, before we decide that this impulsive projection of communicative
meaning (Wright 2012a ) is an inaccurate - and thus “wrong” - view, consider
alien abduction stories. In many cases, the truth of the matter is not actually prove-
able, nor is ultimately relevant. What often is the case, these soon-to-be-abductees
(StBAs) suffer from some experience that is inexplicable within the world they have
constructed (Clancy 2005 ). This event need not be traumatic, but may simply be a
temporary paralysis of mundane causes. However, in the larger scheme, the StBA,
may feel life has been unusually difficult, disappointing, and depressing. Though
alien abduction would hardly be the first explanation to justify the disconcerting
event, eventually all other reasons fail to satisfy the StBA. Alien abduction further
has the benefit that the StBA, who previously felt undistinguished by luck, can now
feel chosen. A peculiar result, that Susan Clancy found, was that once the dubious
alien abduction story was accepted, the abductees outlook changes for the better. A
possibility then is that the alien story, though perhaps even false, was a “white lie”
invented by the psyche to heal a much broader problem in processing experience.
Active, devout response to other worlds, fantasized or concrete, as if these worlds
are realities, can be psychologically beneficial.
A peculiar and unique tendency in humans, we discuss extensively elsewhere, is
to impulsively elect to divide fluid stimuli, such with as allocentric (as opposed to
egocentric ) space into meters, sounds into frequencies and frequencies into discreet
pitches, the rainbow into hues, and so on (Wright 2010 , 2013b ). These groupings are
in no way real, but imaginary yet salient byproducts of a human perception process.
Particularly when we consider that the computer, which appears to calculate ideally,
we are forced to consider what purpose might this idiosyncratic grouping effect
“One notable feature of the major scale is that it contains several intervals whose
frequency ratios approximate small, whole-number ratios. For example,
3/2, 4/3
and 5/4
This is no coincidence. Western music theory has long valued intervals
with simple, small-number frequency ratios, and these ratios play an important role
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