Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 12.1 Even at the
detailed level of the internal
workings of the computer
processor, essentially a
transistor of switches,
physical laws merely operate
in non-complex chain
reactions. Mechanical
intelligence can only be
accomplished by the
computer, as much as it might
by configuring dominoes
instantly formed, but develops gradually via subjective learning, it is not a candidate
for the static instructions of software. Insofar as physical laws, the inner workings
of the machine are chained merely like dominoes (Fig. 12.1 ).
A Grouping Impulse
Humans also have a tendency to speak of messages metaphorically (in the non-
technical sense) as packages that are designed by some external force, and travel
to us, into our minds. Beyond the convenience it may provide in colloquial
conversation, it is highly speculative and assumes dualism, that the mind and brain
are linked by some mystical force, that is not subject to physical laws. Though a few
researchers have questioned this Platonist view in the last 100 years or so, it would
appear to remain the devout doctrine of uneducated laymen and the most educated
scientists of most every field alike. Furthermore, these messages need not come
from intelligent sources. Rather, a message received seems to indicate intelligence
in whichever source the recipient assumes authored the message. Of note here is
attribution theory , in particular the famous experiment by Fritz Heider and Mary-
Ann Simmel ( 1944 ), where subjects were shown an animation of simple geometric
shapes. Afterwards, the subjects nearly unanimously described the events on screen
as if the shapes had personalities and volition. Likely each individual did realize that
these obviously drawn shapes could not possibly behave in social ways. Regardless,
it is notable that the subjects suspended belief to the extent that it becomes vague
exactly how much these subjects insist their descriptions reflect their interpretations.
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