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Case Studies
Case Study One: BC Biermann and the Heavy Projects
In the work of BC Biermann and 'The Heavy Projects' initiative, highly illustrative
paintings (produced by mural artists) are combined with virtual content to augment
the original images (Biermann 2013 ). In these works mobile devices running the
Re C Public AR app allow the public to view virtual additions by pointing a
mobile device towards a real-world mural and looking through the digital screen
(Fig. 11.1 ). 4 By doing this AR content is mapped onto the screen image of the
mural. The digitally generated content is used in two ways: first, to change the
image content within the 2D picture plane of the mural by creating pictorial and
animated sequences that 'overprint' and narrate parts of the original image. Second,
by adding substantive additional virtual content that appears to spill out into the
urban environment, dramatically extending the work above and in front of the
original image. In different examples illustrations of people, plants, letterforms and
geometric shapes create a temporal narrative around the original murals, as they
are animated and move out into 3 dimensional space. In some instances virtual
content sits on sequential layers like the images in a pop-up topic, in others it hovers
in space, in imitation of solid 3 dimensional objects. In one work the addition of
luminescent waterfalls allows the mural to be seen in the dark; in another, oversize
geometric shapes and patterns shimmer and move in front of the mural, reforming in
different combinations for different viewers and different occasions. People and cars
appear to move in out of the virtual layers as they go by, and the combined content
as seen in the screen of the mobile device can be viewed as you would a painting in
a gallery - allowing you to walk close to the work to examine a particular detail -
Fig. 11.1 The Heavy Projects, How & Nosm mural augment (2012) Full view [L], Screenshot [R]
(Images reproduced courtesy of the artist)
4 A number of murals were augmented as part of a collaboration called “Re C Public” ( http://www. ) which took place with Jordan Seiler, a NYC based artist who also runs Public Ad
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