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Fig. 5.1
Augmented Groove, Berry and Poupyrev ( 1999 )
mid-to-late 1990s and especially the work using the ARToolKit and the work
coming from ATR Kyoto. The fiducial marker gives information for 6 degrees of
orientation (XYZ orientation, pitch, roll, yaw) and locates the AR content easily in
3-space. My first introduction to AR was Berry & Poupyrev's Augmented Groove
(Berry and Poupryev 1999 ) , developed at the ATR Kyoto research lab, shown in
Fig. 5.1 . This work was, in essence, an augmented DJ station in which participants
could make audiovisual mixes through the manipulation of vinyl albums with
fiducial markers printed on them. From the documentary video, the user is presented
with a character sitting atop the dial on the record, which changes orientation/values
through tilt, rotation, etc. As Berry and Poupyrev write in the work's statement: “The
performer modulates and mixes compositions by manipulating real LP records. The
motions of the records control filters, effects and samples dynamically mixed in
and out of the groove. A composer can assign any element of composition to any
record, and simply removing one record and bringing in another controls the song
progression. Effects, filters and sample triggering are all assigned to any of the four
record movements and can be controlled interactively using simple physical records
rather than numerous dials and sliders” (Kaltenbrunner 2003 -2014).
Considering this work was conceived in 1999, it radically predates environments
like the Music Technology Group's Reactable in Fig. 5.2 (Jorda et al. 2005 ). Groove
used an overhead camera, as opposed to the latter piece's use of cameras underneath
a translucent table as in the case of the Microsoft Surface tabletop computers.
Augmented Groove showed the use of fiducial markers as controls, but one of the
more popular demos of 3d overlaid media would emerge through videos of demos
of ARToolkit proofs of concept using a particular animated character.
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