Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Laws:  he Wind Industry Collides With One of Its Own, the Environmental
Protection Movement.” Energy Law Journal 28 (1): 71-93.
72. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
73. Boyle, Godfrey. 2004. Renewable Energy:  A  Power for a Sustainable Future . 2nd ed .
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
74. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
75. Zamot, Hector Rene, Efrain O'Neill-Carrillo, and Agustin Irizarry-Rivera. 2005.
“Analysis of Wind Projects Considering Public Perception and Environmental
Impact.” Paper read at 37th Annual North American Power Symposium, 2005, 20-
October 23-25, in Ames, Iowa.
76. de Lucas, Manuela, Guyonne F. E. Janss, and Miguel Ferrer, eds. 2007. Birds and
Wind Farms: Risk Assessment and Mitigation . London: Quercus Publishing.
77. Magoha, Paul. 2002. “Footprints in the Wind? Environmental Impacts of Wind
Power Development.” Re-Focus 3 (5): 30-33.
78. Ackermann, homas, and Lennart Söder. 2002. “An Overview of Wind Energy
Status 2002.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 6 (1): 67-128.
79. For more on factors inluencing habitat viability, see Begon, Michael, Colin
A.  Townsend, and John L.  Harper. 2006. Ecology:  From Individuals to Ecosystems .
4th ed . Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
80. Harrop, D. Owen, and J. Ashley Nixon. 1999. Environmental Assessment in Practice .
New York: Routledge.
81. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
82. Harrop, D. Owen, and J. Ashley Nixon. 1999. Environmental Assessment in Practice .
New York: Routledge.
83. Begon, Michael, Colin A.  Townsend, and John L.  Harper. 2006. Ecology:  From
Individuals to Ecosystems . 4th ed . Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
84. Harrop, D. Owen, and J. Ashley Nixon. 1999. Environmental Assessment in Practice .
New York: Routledge Publishing.
85. More on this topic is included in: Ackermann, homas, and Lennart Söder. 2002.
“An Overview of Wind Energy Status 2002.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews 6 (1): 67-128; and Ardente, Fulvio, Marco Beccali, Maurizio Cellura, and
Valerio Lo Brano. 2008. “Energy Performances and Life Cycle Assessment of an
Italian Wind Farm.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12 (1): 200-217.
86. See both: Magoha, Paul. 2002. “Footprints in the Wind? Environmental Impacts of
Wind Power Development.” Re-Focus , 3 (5): 30-33; and Zamot, Hector Rene, Efrain
O'Neill-Carrillo, and Agustin Irizarry-Rivera. 2005. “Analysis of Wind Projects
Considering Public Perception and Environmental Impact.” Paper read at 37th
Annual North American Power Symposium, 2005, October 23-25, in Ames, Iowa.
his is illustrated in: Magoha, Paul. 2002. “Footprints in the Wind? Environmental
Impacts of Wind Power Development.” Re-Focus , 3 (5): 30-33; and Ardente, Fulvio,
Marco Beccali, Maurizio Cellura, and Valerio Lo Brano. 2008. “Energy Performances
and Life Cycle Assessment of an Italian Wind Farm.” Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews 12 (1):  200-217; and McKinsey, John Arnold. 2007. “Regulating
Avian Impacts Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Other Laws:  he Wind
Industry Collides With One of Its Own, the Environmental Protection Movement.”
Energy Law Journal 28 (1): 71-93.
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