Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
52. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
53. Wolsink, Maarten. 2000. “Wind Power and the NIMBY-Myth: Institutional Capacity
and the Limited Signiicance of Public Support.” Renewable Energy 21 (1): 49-64.
54. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
55. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
56. his stems from performance management theory. For background, see:  Neely,
Andy, Chris Adams, and Mike Kennerley. 2002. he Performance Prism .
Essex: Prentice Hall Financial Times Publishing.
57. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
58. Komor, Paul. 2004. Renewable Energy Policy . Lincoln: iUniverse.
59. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. his is emphasized in:  McKinsey, John Arnold. 2007. “Regulating Avian Impacts
Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Other Laws:  he Wind Industry
Collides With One of Its Own, the Environmental Protection Movement.” Energy
Law Journal 28 (1):  71-93; and Wolsink, Maarten. 2000. “Wind Power and the
NIMBY-Myth:  Institutional Capacity and the Limited Signiicance of Public
Support.” Renewable Energy 21 (1): 49-64.
63. Komor, Paul. 2004. Renewable Energy Policy . Lincoln: iUniverse.
64. Dismukes, John P., Lawrence K.  Miller, Andrew Solocha, Sandeep Jagani, and
John A.  Bers. 2007. “Wind Energy Electrical Power Generation:  Industrial Life
Cycle of a Radical Innovation.” Paper read at the Portland International Center
for Management of Engineering and Technology 2007 Symposium, August 5-9, in
Portland, Oregon.
65. Wolsink, Maarten. 2000. “Wind Power and the NIMBY-Myth: Institutional Capacity
and the Limited Signiicance of Public Support.” Renewable Energy 21 (1): 49-64.
66. Firestone, Jeremy, and Willett Kempton. 2007. “Public Opinion About Large Ofshore
Wind Power: Underlying Factors.” Energy Policy 35 (2007) 35 (3): 1584-1598.
67. Zamot, Hector Rene, Efrain O'Neill-Carrillo, and Agustin Irizarry-Rivera. 2005.
“Analysis of Wind Projects Considering Public Perception and Environmental
Impact.” Paper read at 37th Annual North American Power Symposium, 2005, 20-
October 23-25, in Ames, Iowa.
68. A  superb topic that describes the notion of keystone species is Miller, G.  Tyler.
2004. Environmental Science: Working with the Earth . 5th ed . Paciic Grove: Brooks
Cole Publishers.
69. Zamot, Hector Rene, Efrain O'Neill-Carrillo, and Agustin Irizarry-Rivera. 2005.
“Analysis of Wind Projects Considering Public Perception and Environmental
Impact.” Paper read at 37th Annual North American Power Symposium, 2005, 20-
October 23-25, in Ames, Iowa.
70. Firestone, Jeremy, and Willett Kempton. 2007. “Public Opinion About
Large Ofshore Wind Power:  Underlying Factors.” Energy Policy 35 (2007) 35
(3): 1584-1598.
71. For more background on avian impacts, see McKinsey, John Arnold. 2007.
“Regulating Avian Impacts Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Other
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