Environmental Engineering Reference
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ecological endowments will increase. 113 As available sites become scarcer,
the impetus to build wind farms on socially and ecologically sensitive areas
will also increase. 114 However, by developing and overseeing improved
standards for managing threats to social and ecological endowments, poli-
cymakers can play a role in ensuring that the beneits derived from wind
energy are not realized at the expense of a community's natural habitat.
1. Ackermann, homas, and Lennart Söder. 2002. “An Overview of Wind
Energy-Status 2002.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 6 (1-2): 67-127.
2. For a highly readable introduction to wind power technology, see Wizelius, Tore.
2007. Developing Wind Power Projects: heory and Practice . Oxford: Earthscan.
3. Celik, A.  N., T. Muneer, and P. Clarke. 2007. “An Investigation into Micro
Wind Energy Systems for their Utilization in Urban Areas and their Life Cycle
Assessment.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part
A:  Journal of Power and Energy 221 (8): 1107-1117.
4. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
5. Ackerman, homas. 2005. Wind Power in Power Systems . West Sussex: John Wiley
and Sons. his topic provides comprehensive coverage of wind power technology.
6. For a very useful introduction to the world of renewable energy, see Boyle, Godfrey.
2004. Renewable Energy:  A  Power for a Sustainable Future . 2nd ed . Oxford:  Oxford
University Press.
7. Ackermann, homas, and Lennart Söder. 2002. “An Overview of Wind
Energy-Status 2002.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 6 (1-2): 67-127.
8. Wizelius, Tore. 2007. Developing Wind Power Projects:  heory and Practice .
Oxford: Earthscan.
9. Ibid.
10. Ackermann, homas, and Lennart Söder. 2002. “An Overview of Wind
Energy-Status 2002.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 6 (1-2): 67-127.
11. DONG Energy. 2008. Final Report on Ofshore Wind Technology . Fredericia,
Denmark: Risø National Sustainable Energy Laboratory, New Energy Externalities
Developments for Sustainability Consortium.
12. his theme is prominent in many inluential studies including the works by Wizelius,
DONG Energy, and Ackermann and Söder that have been referenced in this chapter.
Also see Dismukes, John P., Lawrence K. Miller, Andrew Solocha, Sandeep Jagani,
and John A. Bers. 2007. “Wind Energy Electrical Power Generation: Industrial Life
Cycle of a Radical Innovation.” Paper read at the Portland International Center
for Management of Engineering and Technology 2007 Symposium, August 5-9, in
Portland, Oregon.
13. For example, see:  Brown, Brit T, and Benjamin A  Escobar. 2007. “Wind
Power: Generating Electricity and Lawsuits.” Energy Law Journal 28 (2): 489-516;
and DeCarolis, Joseph F., and David W. Keith. 2006. “he Economics of Large-Scale
Wind Power in a Carbon Constrained World.” Energy Policy 34 (4): 395-410.
14. DeCarolis, Joseph F., and David W.  Keith. 2006. “he Economics of Large-Scale
Wind Power in a Carbon Constrained World.” Energy Policy 34 (4): 395-410.
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