Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
71. Japan Times . 2013. “Japan May Restart Nuclear Reactors from Fall: Motegi,” April
24. www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/04/24/national/ japan-may-restart-nuclear-
72. Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC). 2013. Electricity Review
Japan: 2013 . Tokyo: he Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan.
73. A presentation made by the Japan Wind Power Association highlights a govern-
ment sponsored wind power study in 2000 which estimated potential to be 6.4
GW. In 2010, a new study (Study of Potential for the introduction of Renewable
Energy for FY 2010) estimated potential to be in excess of 250 GW. he slides to
the presentation are at http://jwpa.jp/pdf/roadmap_v3_2.pdf.
74. here is an excellent critique of nuclear power economics provided by the Citizen's
Nuclear Information Center at www.cnic.jp/english/newsletter/nit113/nit113ar
75. International Energy Agency (IEA). 2004. Renewable Energy:  Market and Policy
Trends in IEA Countries , edited by International Energy Agency, Paris.
76. Valentine, Scott Victor. 2011. “Japanese Wind Energy Development Policy: Grand
Plan or Group hink?” Energy Policy 39 (11): 6842-6854.
77. Hall, John Whitney. 1990. Japan: From Prehistory to Modern Times . Japan: Charles
E. Tuttle Publishers.
78. Tabuchi, Hiroko. 2012. “Japan's New Leader Endorses Nuclear Plants,”
New York Times , December 30. www.nytimes.com/2012/12/31/world/asia/
japans-new-pr ime-minister-backs-more-nuclear-plants.html?_r=0
79. Koike, Yuriko. 2012. “Japan's Fiscal Crisis Comes of Age,” August 13. Project
Syndicate. www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/japan-s- iscal-crisis-comes-of-
age-by-yuriko-koike. It bears noting that Yuriko Koike is Japan's former defense
minister and national security adviser. She was also chairwoman of Japan's Liberal
Democrat Party and currently is a member of the National Diet.
80. Harner, Stephen. 2012. “IMF Raises Alarms over Japan's Dangerous Fiscal Course.”
Forbes, November 16. www.forbes.com/sites/stephenharner/2012/10/16/
81. Harner, Stephen. 2012. “IMF Raises Alarms over Japan's Dangerous Fiscal Course.”
Forbes, November 16. www.forbes.com/sites/stephenharner/2012/10/16/ imf-
82. Saoshiro, Shinichi. 2011. “Japan Sees Atomic Power Cost Up by at Least 50 pct by
2030—Nikkei.” Reuters ,www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/06/ japan-nuclear-cost-
83. For more on this story see Kigar, Patrick J. 2013. “Fukushima's Radioactive Water
Leak: What You Should Know.” National Geographic News , August 7. http:// news.
nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2013/08/130807-fukushima-rad ioactive-
84. Obe, Mitsuru. 2012. “Tepco Gets Bailout, but Cedes Power.” Wall Street Journal ,
April 27. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527023048113045773695
85. Koike, Yuriko. 2012. “Japan's Fiscal Crisis Comes of Age,” August 13. Project
Syndicate. www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/ japan-s-iscal-crisis-comes-of-
86. Ohira, Kaname, and Mari Fujisaki. 2012. “Taxpayers, Electricity Users Finance
TEPCO Bailout.” Asahi Shinbun , July 31. http://ajw.asahi.com/ article/0311disaster/
87. Sovacool, Benjamin K., and Scott Victor Valentine. 2012. he National Politics of
Nuclear Power: Economics, Security and Governance . Milton Park, UK: Routledge.
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