Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
76. Rasmussen, F., and P. H. Madsen. 2004. “Current Direction of Danish Wind Energy
Research—he Researchers Point of View.” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,
Transactions of the ASME 126 (4): 1105-1109.
77. Meyer, Niels I. 2004. “Renewable Energy Policy in Denmark.” Energy for Sustainable
Development 8 (1): 25-35.
78. Breton, Simon-Philippe, and Geir Moe. 2009. “Status, Plans and Technologies
for Ofshore Wind Turbines in Europe and North America.” Renewable Energy 34
(3): 646-654.
79. Buen, J. 2006. “Danish and Norwegian Wind Industry: he Relationship Between
Policy Instruments, Innovation and Difusion.” Energy Policy 34 (18): 3887-3897.
80. Agnolucci, Paolo. 2007. “Wind Electricity in Denmark:  A  Survey of Policies,
heir Efectiveness and Factors Motivating heir Introduction.” Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (5): 951-963.
81. European Renewable Energy Council. 2009. “Renewable Energy Policy
Review:  Denmark.” In RES 2020:  Monitoring and Evaluation of the RES Directives
Implementation in EU27 and Policy Recommendations to 2020 , pp.  1-10.
Brussels:  European Renewable Energy Council. www.erec.org/ileadmin/erec_
82. Smit, T., M. Junginger, and R. Smits. 2007. “Technological Learning in Ofshore
Wind Energy: Diferent Roles of the Government.” Energy Policy 35 (12): 6431-6444.
83. Meyer, N.  I. 2004. “Development of Danish Wind Power Market.” Energy and
Environment 15 (4): 657-673.
84. Ibid.
85. Pettersson, Maria, Kristina Ek, Kristina Söderholm, and Patrik Söderholm. 2010.
“Wind Power Planning and Permitting: Comparative Perspectives from the Nordic
Countries.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (9): 3116-3123.
86. Rasmussen, F., and P. H. Madsen. 2004. “Current Direction of Danish Wind Energy
Research—he Researchers Point of View.” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,
Transactions of the ASME 126 (4): 1105-1109.
87. Buen, J. 2006. “Danish and Norwegian Wind Industry: he Relationship Between
Policy Instruments, Innovation and Difusion.” Energy Policy 34 (18): 3887-3897.
88. Meyer, Niels I. 2004. “Renewable Energy Policy in Denmark.” Energy for Sustainable
Development 8 (1): 25-35.
89. European Renewable Energy Council. 2009. “Renewable Energy Policy
Review:  Denmark.” In RES 2020:  Monitoring and Evaluation of the RES Directives
Implementation in EU27 and Policy Recommendations to 2020 , pp.  1-10.
Brussels: European Renewable Energy Council. www.erec.org/ileadmin/erec_docs/
90. Mignard, D., G. P.  Harrison, and C. L.  Pritchard. 2007. “Contribution of Wind
Power and CHP to Exports from Western Denmark During 2000-2004.” Renewable
Energy 32 (15): 2516-2528.
91. Agnolucci, Paolo. 2007. “Wind Electricity in Denmark:  A  Survey of Policies,
heir Efectiveness and Factors Motivating heir Introduction.” Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (5): 951-963.
92. European Renewable Energy Council. 2009. “Renewable Energy Policy
Review:  Denmark.” In RES 2020:  Monitoring and Evaluation of the RES Directives
Implementation in EU27 and Policy Recommendations to 2020 , pp.  1-10.
Brussels: European Renewable Energy Council. www.erec.org/ileadmin/erec_docs/
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