Agriculture Reference
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facility, providing a solar power station rated at 162 watts, providing a low power
40 watt computer cluster composed of 2 Linux computers, furnishing the
cluster with a digital library of 1500 topics focused on appropriate technology,
and providing a Universal Nut Sheller made by the Full Belly Project for
increasing the value of locally harvested coffee. All systems were implemented
at 100% functionality and all supplies were either commodities, or were sourced
locally. Local labor was utilized for the implementation effort, and relationships
were formed with local solar providers and local computer providers for both
short and long-term maintenance needs.
As we consider what it will take to move toward the regenerative view, here
are a few predictions, along with some attendant questions.
The future will see acceleration in the trend of scientists, engineers, and architects
looking to nature for understanding and inspiration for design solutions. The
concept of biomimicry is really only in its infancy, with much yet to be revealed.
Nanotechnology will offer many solutions to some current problems but will
also offer new challenges as we deal with questions never before considered. For
example, how does the concept of design for disassembly and the notion “waste
equals food” work at the nanoscale?
The Professions
The architecture and engineering community must evolve from the current
thinking of sustainability and the primary focus on efficiency and high perfor-
mance to the concept of regenerative design. One such example is Architecture
2030, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and independent organization with the mission
of transforming the building sector from the current position of being the ma-
jor contributor to greenhouse gas emissions to playing a key role in solving the
global warming crisis. The target put forth in the Architecture 2030 Challenge
is that by 2030, buildings will be carbon-neutral, using no fossil-fuel greenhouse
gas-emitting energy to operate.
The Government
Federal, state, and local governments are beginning to respond to the growing
environmental crisis by drafting and implementing new standards for building
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