Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
System Boundaries (Design Decision Layers)
Industrial Ecology
Cultural and Social
Example: Highway
system design
Design for Environment
(Gate to Gate)
Life-Cycle Analysis
(Cradle to Grave)
Example: Electric vs.
Exposure to toxic
materials during
automobile recycling
Example: Road
Example: Paint type
Toxic releases from
painting process
Particulate emissions from
concrete manaufacture
Land-use patterns
Life Sciences
Effects on road
construction on local
Demands on local
Impervious cover, water
Ore and fuel extraction
Material and disposal
Patterns of use by
individual drivers
Effects on commercial
Temporal and spatial
traffic patterns
Community business
Manufacturing costs
Consumer preferences,
Sociology and
Access to services
Humanities and
Upholstry durability
Designs for fleets
Roadside landscaping
Tool Option: Full-Cost
Tool Option: Life-Cycle
Tool Option:
Input/Output Analysis
Tool Option: Agent-
Based Modeling
Figure 5.9 Matrix proposed by
D. Allen to evaluate various green
design techniques with respect
for science, social, and economic
the engineer's responsibilities extend well beyond the construction, operation,
and maintenance stages. Such an approach has been articulated by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The integrated matrix helps DFE to
be visualized, as recommended by the ASME 9 (see Table 5.1). This allows for
the engineer to see the technical and ethical considerations associated with each
component of the design as well as the relationships among these components.
For example, health risks, social expectations, environmental impacts and other
societal risks and benefits associated with a device, structure, product, or activity
can be visualized at various stages of the manufacturing, marketing, and appli-
cation stages. This yields a number of two-dimensional matrices (see Fig. 5.8)
for each relevant design component. And each respective cell indicates both the
importance of that component and the confidence (expressed as scientific cer-
tainty) that the engineer can have about the underlying information used to assess
the importance (see the Figure 1.5 legend). Thus, the matrix is a visualization of
the life cycle, or at least substantial portion of it.
The matrix approach is qualitative or at best semiquantitative, but like multiple-
objective plots, provides a benchmark for comparing alternatives that would oth-
erwise be incomparable. To some extent, even numerical values can be assigned to
each cell to compare them quantitatively, but the results are at the discretion of the
analyst, who determines how different areas are weighted. The matrix approach
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