Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
of state and local agencies. However, it behooves all professionals to collab-
orate, hopefully before any land is purchased and contractors are retained.
Councils of government (COGs) and other “A-95” organizations can be
rich resources when considering options on siting. They can help avoid the
need for problems long before implementation, to say nothing of contentious
zoning appeal and planning commission meetings and perception problems at
public hearings. Accessibility to services is attractive, but the adverse aspects
of facilities providing the services, e.g. adors and noise near a factory, are
likely to be avoided by the public.
13. Numerous textbooks address the topic of incineration in general and haz-
ardous waste incineration in particular. For example, see C. N. Haas and R. J.
Ramos, Hazardous and Industrial Waste Treatment , Prentice Hall, Upper Seddle
River, NJ, 1995; C. A. Wentz, Hazardous Waste Management , McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1989; and J. J. Peirce, R. F. Weiner, and P. A. Vesilind, Environ-
mental Pollution and Control , Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, MA, 1998.
14. Biffward Programme on Sustainable Resource Use, “ Thermal methods of
municipal waste treatment ,” Ther-
mowaste.pdf, 2003.
15. J. Lee, D. Fournier, Jr., C. King, S. Venkatesh, and C. Goldman, Project
Summary: Evaluation of Rotary Kiln Incinerator Operation at Low-to-Moderate
Temperature Conditions , EPA/600/SR-96/105, U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH,
16. L. Stieglitz, G. Zwick, J. Beck, H. Bautz, and W. Roth, Chemosphere , 19,
283, 1989.
17. For discussion of the transport of dioxins, see C. Koester and R. Hites, “Wet
and dry deposition of chlorinated dioxins and furans,” Environmental Science
and Technology , 26, 1375-1382, 1992; and R. Hites, 1991, “Atmospheric
transport and deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxins and dibenzo-
furans,” EPA/600/3-91/002, U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC.
18. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable, Remediation Technologies
Screening Matrix and Reference Guide , 4th ed., FRTR, 2002.
19. A principal source for all of the thermal discussions is the U.S. Environmen-
tal Protection Agency's, Remediation Guidance Document, EPA-905-B94-
003, Chapter 7, U.S. EPA, Washington, DC, 2003.
20. S. J. Ergas, and K. A. Kinney. Air and Waste Management Association,
“Biological control systems,” in Air Pollution Control Manual , 2nd ed., W. T.
Davis, Ed., Wiley, New York, 2000, pp. 55-65.
21. Ibid.
22. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Pollution Prevention Directive, May
13, 1990, quoted by H. Freeman et al. in “Industrial pollution prevention:
a critical review,” presented at the Air and Waste Management Association
Meeting, Kansas City, MO, 1992.
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