Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
m_Player.PositionX -=
This code starts with a compound if statement, checking whether the user is press-
ing the A key or the left arrow key. Yes, you can control our game character using
either of the W , A , S , or D keys or the arrow keys if you wish to move the character
using the keyboard. Next, we have another if statement. This if statement checks
to see if moving the player to the left will cause a collision. If not, we move the player
to the left. As you can see, we use the PLAYER_MOVE_SPEED constant that we cre-
ated earlier in this chapter to control how much the robot moves. Obviously, we need
three more of these if statements to handle the right, up, and down directions. As
the code is very similar, I will not describe it here.
The downloadable code for this chapter also supports controlling the robot using
joysticks/gamepads. It adds a member variable named m_UseDirectInput to
the TileGameWindow class. Set this variable to true to use DirectInput for joy-
stick/gamepad controls, or set this variable to false to have the program use
XInput for joystick/gamepad controls. We need the m_UseDirectInput mem-
ber variable because if we used both DirectInput and XInput at the same time for
the same game controller device, this will cause the player to get moved twice
per frame.
Animating the player character
With the user input and collision detection code done, there is now only one thing
left to do in UpdateScene() . We need to add a bit of code to animate the player
m_Player.LastFrameChange += frameTime;
if (m_Player.LastFrameChange > 0.1)
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