Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
4. You may get a message box asking if you want to also rename all references
to the code element Class1 . If you click on Yes , it will replace any occur-
rences of Class1 in your code with the new name so that your code won't
be broken since you renamed the class. You will usually need to click on Yes
for this.
5. Before we can start creating this class though, we need to add some referen-
ces to our project. To accomplish this, right-click on the heading References
in the Solution Explorer pane and choose Add Reference...
6. The Reference Manager window will appear. The Framework category is
currently selected, which is fine, because two of the references we need are
in this category.
7. Scroll down the list until you find System.Windows.Forms . A checkbox ap-
pears for the highlighted extension. Check this checkbox since we want to
add a reference to this extension. This is shown in the following screenshot:
Adding a reference to System.Windows.Forms
8. Now, scroll up to find System.Drawing and put a check in its checkbox too.
9. Nowweneedtoselectthe Extensions categoryintheleft-handsidecolumn.
This causes the list in the center of the window to display extensions.
10. Scroll down until you find SlimDX in the list. You will find that there are two
versions. You will have to select Version 4 as shown in the following screen-
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