Game Development Reference
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amount in radians, which is in our m_CubeRotation member variable. And finally
we update the cube's world matrix with the new rotation matrix we just created.
Rendering the scene
We have one last thing to change and we should be ready to run the program. We
need to change the code in our RenderScene() method to draw the cube. After the
line that clears the screen, we add the following line:
This line clears the depth stencil texture, so it is empty before we start rendering this
frame. Then below this, we need to add the following block of code:
// Send the cube's world matrix to the changes
per object constant buffer.
m_DataStream.Position = 0;
m_DataStream.Position = 0;
DataBox(0, 0,
The first two lines set our cube texture as a resource on the pixel shader so that it
can use it. The second line sets the sampler state to use with it. Then the next block
of code uses our DataStream to send the updated information for our cube into the
m_CbChangesPerObject constant buffer.
Now we need to change the line that calls the Draw() method on the DeviceCon-
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