Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
In summary, the Barn Mountains landscape contains a different suite of landforms
to that of the Beaufort Plain. To a large extent, the difference refl ects geology. Certain
elements resemble those of hot, semi-arid regions.
While certain lithologies may be highly susceptible to frost action and to distinct land-
scape modifi cation, it is equally true that other lithologies are better suited to the preser-
vation of periglacial features long after the disappearance of periglacial conditions. These
ideas are explored in this section, where two lowland landscapes from the never-glaciated
and now-temperate mid-latitudes are described. Both may be viewed, to varying degrees,
as relict periglacial landscapes.
2.4.1. Chalk Uplands, Southern England and Northern France
The chalklands of Southern England and Northern France (
latitudes 48-52° N) are
underlain by thick sequences of relatively pure, soft calcareous sedimentary rock of
Cretaceous age. It is highly porous and permeable. The Chalk forms broad plateaus, strik-
ing in-facing escarpments, and gentle dip-slope surfaces. The extent of the Chalk outcrop
along the English Channel coastlands is illustrated in Figure 2.7.
Figure 2.7. Map showing extent of the Chalk outcrops in southern England and northern France.
Legend: 1-Isle of Thanet (see Figure 13.2); 2-Pays de Caux (see Figure 13.5B); 3-Clatford Bottom
(see Figure 13.10); 4-Walton Common (see Figure 12.6).
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