Geology Reference
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below-ground sumps in the Mackenzie Delta region is a concern of Canadian government
regulatory agencies (Dyke, 2001). In Western Siberia, desalinization of the active layer
following active-layer slumping in the Yamal Peninsula has been recorded (Streletskii et
al., 2003).
There are many other problems associated with resource development in permafrost
regions that are not dealt with in this chapter. Specifi c problems are associated with placer
mining operations in both Alaska and Yukon, where elevated dissolved arsenic concentra-
tions in streams is a concern for fi sh habitats. Groundwater seepage into the coal mine at
Longyearbyen (Gruve 7), Svalbard, is a persistent problem (Holm, 1999), while mine
ventilation and modifi cation of the thermal regime within the mine may promote rock
instability of the tunnel walls (Christiansen et al., 2005). A bigger and more general
problem concerns the possibility of crude oil spills, either from pipelines on land or from
oil spills offshore. Emergency measures are the subject of numerous impact assessments,
and various biogeochemical methods of oil-spill remediation are being investigated. One
must conclude that contaminant containment and remedial measures as regards ground-
water and the terrestrial and marine ecosystems will become increasingly important issues
in the future.
Kamensky, R. M., ed. (1998). Geocryological Problems of Construction in Eastern Russia and
Northern China. Proceedings, International Symposium , 23-25 September, Chita, Russia. SB,
RAS Publishers, Yakutsk, vol. 1, 255 pp., vol. 2, 197 pp.
Péwé, T. L. (1983). Geologic hazards of the Fairbanks area, Alaska. Special Report 15, Division of
Geological Surveys, College, Alaska, 109 pp.
Senneset, K., ed. (2000). Proceedings. International Workshop on Permafrost Engineering , Long-
yearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 18-21 June. Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU)/The University Courses on Svalbard (UNIS), 327 pp.
Smith, D. W., Sego, D. C. (1994). Cold Regions Engineering. Proceedings, 7th International Cold
Regions Engineering Specialty Conference , March 7-9, Edmonton, Alberta, Canadian Society
for Civil Engineering, Montreal, 869 pp.
Wolfe, S. A., ed. (1998). Living with frozen ground. A fi eld guide to permafrost in Yellowknife,
Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada , Miscellaneous report 64, 71 pp.
1. Why do permafrost and intense seasonal frost pose problems to geotechnical
2. How does permafrost affect man's economic activities?
3. Explain why the transport of oil and natural gas from permafrost regions gives rise to
environmental and engineering concerns.
4. What are some of the environmental problems associated with mining activities in
permafrost terrain?
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