Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Dylikowa, A., Gozdzik, J. S., Jahn, A. (1978). Methodology of fi eld studies: fossil frost- and ice
wedges. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny , 27 , 171-178.
Eissmann, L. (2002). Quaternary geology of eastern Germany (Saxony, Saxon-Anhalt, South
Brandenburg, Thuringia), type area of the Elsterian and Saalian stages in Europe. Quaternary
Science Reviews , 21 , 1275-1346.
Murton, J. B., Bateman, M. D., Baker, C. A., Knox, R., Whiteman, C. A. (2003). The Devensian
periglacial record on Thanet, Kent, UK. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes , 14 , 217-246.
Romanovskii, N. N. (1973). Regularities in formation of frost-fi ssures and development of frost-
fi ssure polygons. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny , 23 , 237-277.
1. How conclusive is the evidence for the former existence of perennially-frozen ground
in mid-latitude regions during the Pleistocene?
2. Why is the distinction between seasonal and perennial frost important in Pleistocene
periglacial reconstruction?
3. What were the physical and structural changes that occurred when Pleistocene perma-
frost degraded?
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