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If learner has no idea, leader advance an idea to learner. If learner has an idea,
leader and learner entertain that the idea is right. If both leader and learner think
that the idea is right, leader records the idea.
This way has possibilities not to be able to find idea. In this research, we don't
have such case. But, if we have such case, more than one leader entertains the
Fig. 4 Correcting reason of wrong answer or expression
3.2 Arrangement of Data Collection
To increase the accuracy of the collected data was performed prior arrangements
as follows.
In miscalculation, or do not understand the calculation method, I under-
stand technique but able to tell exactly what made a mistake is difficult.
Therefore, when miscalculation occurs, to point out that there is a miss by
specifying a formula that leadership is a miscalculation to the learner, the
learner calculated by without the help of a leader within 30 seconds it is
counted as the only miscalculation if you notice the mistake.
I cases are considered in No.6 in Figure 3, and repeat forever and No.4 or
No.5 if leaders cannot present a draft of the incorrect reasons. Did not oc-
cur if such a survey in this paper, but if this happens, then consider leaders
between pluralities why.
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