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thereby building a spanning tree. The description for the following algorithm is
from [16].
Basic algorithm for Random NNT running at each node u:
d=maximum possible distance between any two nodes
when a message is broadcasted, the recipient is not specified
i ← 1
Set transmission radius (power level): r i ← 2 i /√n
If r i > d, set r i ← d
Broadcast (request, Id of u ID(u), rank info p(u) which is a random
i ← i+1 until receipt of an available message or r i =d
Upon receipt of an available message from any node v Do
If rank(v) > rank(u)
Set transmission radius ← distance(u,v)
Send available message to v
Upon receipt of all available messages
Select the nearest node v from the senders
Send (connect u, v) to v
B. Euclidian Minimum Spanning Tree: The Euclidian Minimum Spanning Tree,
also known by Geometric weighted Minimum Spanning Tree, is an Euclidian
distance weighted MST. This algorithm will attempt to minimize the power
consumption during message transmission from the transceiver. Since energy
dissipated to transmit a message is proportional to the square of the transmission
distance, an algorithm that minimizes the transmission distance is a logical method
to address reducing the energy used for transmission. The description for the
following algorithm is modified from the description in [16].
Basic algorithm for Euclidian MST running at each node u:
d=maximum possible distance between any two nodes
when a message is broadcasted, the recipient is not specified
i ← 1
Set transmission radius (power level): r i ← 2 i /√n
If r i > d, set r i ← d
Broadcast (request, Id of u ID(u), power level to help calculate the
i ← i+1
Upon receipt of all available messages
Select the nearest node v from the senders
Set transmission radius ← distance(u, v)
Send available message to v
Send (connect u, v) to v
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