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Ta b l e 2 Test Case 02
Test Case Title
Access Right Delegation Test
Test Case ID
Test 02
Test Objective
To confirm that access rights are delegated from DoctorA to DoctorB.
1. DoctorA must log-in.
2. DoctorA must have the access delegation rights on PatientX's medical information.
3. DoctorB has no access rights on PatientX's medical information
DoctorB should be able to view PatientX's medical information.
1. Select Access Right Delegation option from the main menu
2. Select PatientX as Subject
3. Select Medical Information as Resource .
4. Select View as Action .
5. Select 24 hours as Environment and click OK.
6. Log-in into the system.
7. Click on his list of pateints, PatientX appears to be one of his patients.
8. DoctorB selects PatientX and views his medical information
Expected Result
DoctorB views PatientX's medical information
Actual Result
DoctorB views PatientX's medical information
Carried Out On
Carried Out By
Umme Habiba
6Con lu ion
In this work, we have presented the design and architecture of secure IDMS for fed-
erated Cloud environment, that helps to eradicate its security and interoperability
challenges. Presented system provides typical identity management services along
with many advanced features such as access right delegation, identity federation,
real-time synchronization and self-service . Provisioning, de-provisioning and man-
agement of user accounts across multiple Cloud environments is offered through
SCIM schema that ensures interoperability while exchanging identity credentials.
Implementation of SAML using REST design patterns help ensures the security of
CSC's credentials while performing authentication across multiple Cloud environ-
ments. In addition to this, proposed system offers a complete implementation of ac-
cess control system using XACML, that ensures effective authorization and access
right delegation. To conclude, presented secure IDMS for federated Cloud environ-
ment facilitates the CSPs and CSCs by offering them with secure management and
quick access to CSC's credentials that finally improves their business performance.
Furthermore, we have configured open-source Openstack Cloud infrastructure for
the deployment of our system in real-time Cloud scenarios. To evaluate the effec-
tiveness of the implemented functionality, we have followed the guidelines and rec-
ommendations given by NIST and CSA and designed various user defined test cases.
Results of our analytical evaluation proves that the presented work has ensured the
desired features and level of security expected from a secure IDMS for federated
Cloud environment.
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