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method is a measurement correlation by using conditional probability. We calculate
the anteroposterior correlation relative by representing all in conditional probability.
We introduced our ethic of essences for Big data analytics. Heterogeneity, con-
tinuity, and visualization are the most critical features of Big data analytics, which
provides a scale and connection merits based on them. We have to shift the system
from designing closed assumptions to opened assumptions.
In addition, we also verified the effectiveness of our method by preliminary ex-
periment. We used Google Trends. The Google Trends can be regarded as query
logs. This is the one of the Big data. Therefore, our method provides the anteropos-
terior correlation from Big data. This experiment shows that we realize the one of
the methods for decision mining of our method.
By applying our method, we will realize the system which can do risk aversion,
the cause unfolding, and the phenomena prediction in the near future. The person
harnesses the past experience and does prediction and prevention. Our system can
do the same things like this. That is, we can predict and prevention of Big data.
Therefore, we realize the one of the methods for decision mining.
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