Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
people-friendly functionality. To have a facility that operates well, it is impera-
tive to have highly competent staff, otherwise there is a high likelihood of system
failures. A minimum standard should be a fully enclosed room with solid fl oor,
walls, and ceilings made of impervious materials and sealed joints, as well as with
sealed or screened vents, and appropriately sealed water supply, drainage, waste
disposal, and power supply.
The safeguards/measures used in a facility should be appropriate to its function
and be independent from each other such that each safeguard/measure has a dif-
ferent mode of action. Hence if one fails, all safeguards are not compromised (e.g.
a series of sealed doors with vestibules in-between and one with a light at one end
to attract organisms back towards it). The degree of security needs to refl ect the
acceptable level of risk of material likely to be held. All procedures need to refl ect
a similar degree of security.
Particularly vulnerable areas of quarantine facility rooms/buildings need bio-
logically-secure structural designs, and procedures include: specialized doors,
non-opening windows, appropriate air vents and drains, and sealed light fi t-
tings. The materials of ceilings, fl oors, walls, and all joints should be impervious
without crevices where organisms can lodge. All surfaces should be capable of
being decontaminated. Facilities should have contingency procedures to contain
escapes within the facility or emergency action taken if something is detected
outside a facility in close proximity.
Traceability is critical to control and rectifi cation of problems. It requires the
ability to track goods backwards to the point of origin or likely area(s) of con-
tamination, and any subsequent points where the contaminated goods may have
released unwanted organisms. This includes knowledge of the source and country
of origin or production of the goods, where they entered the country, and their
subsequent fate and destinations. If there is an incursion, this information can
assist in enabling the implementation of containment controls, and in preventing
further introductions. Components of tracking systems often have to have regu-
latory and administrative elements to ensure compliance.
Disposal of hazardous waste
Disposal of hazardous waste requires the ability to prevent a potential invasive
species escaping. Hence the need to have a system that enables the safe disposal
of quarantine wastes. It is preferable that the waste is not transported over long
distances as this is a vulnerable point in the system and introduces factors that
increase biosecurity/quarantine risk.
Procedures and work instructions
These should describe how to check identity of goods and organisms; check the
exterior of conveyances for contamination; examine goods and organisms for
contaminants, parasites, disease. They need to include information about all of
the data collection required.
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