Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
I've been inspired by how
the pride of a family busi-
ness or regional specialty
stays strong, generation
after generation. In Italy's
Umbria region, I have long
taken my tour groups to the
Bottai family vineyard. Ceci-
lia, the oldest daughter, is
no longer the little girl that
I once knew. Now, as her
parents are taking it easy,
she greets us at the gate
and shares the family's passion with
us. Cecilia walks us through the vine-
yard, introducing grape plants to us as
if they were her children. As we fol-
low her into the dark, cool tunnels of
her vast cellar—dug a thousand years
ago—she fi nds just the right bottle to
share. And fi nally, we gather at the
family dining table in a room that has
changed little in 200 years.
On my last visit, I remember
enjoying Cecilia's pride and happi-
ness as she popped open that bottle
of their fi ne Orvieto Classico wine.
Watching my glass fi ll, I noticed her
When your name's on the label, you take
great joy in sharing.
hand gripped the bottle in a way
that framed the family name on the
label. And I noticed how her mother
and now-frail grandmother looked on
silently and proudly as visitors from
the other side of the world gathered
in their home. On that remote farm in
Italy, where the Bottai family had been
producing wine for countless genera-
tions, my group was tasting the fruit
of their land, labor, and culture. And
our hosts were beaming with joy.
Take History Seriously—Don't Be Dumbed Down
Contrary to conventional wisdom, a history degree is practical. Back when I
got my degree, I was encouraged to also earn a business degree, so I'd leave
the university with something “useful.” I believe now that if more Americans
had a history degree and put it to good use, this world would be better of .
Yesterday's history informs today's news...which becomes tomorrow's his-
t o r y. h ose with a knowledge of history can understand current events in a
broader context and respond to them more thoughtfully.
As you travel, opportunities to enjoy history are everywhere. Work on
cultivating a general grasp of the sweep of history, and you'll be able to infuse
your sightseeing with more meaning.
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