Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Say and believe, “ There is only one God, and Muhammad is his
2. Pray i ve times a day, facing Mecca (denoted inside a mosque by a niche
called a mihrab ). Modern Muslims believe that, along with thinking
of God, part of the value of this ritual is to help people wash, exercise,
and stretch.
3. Give to the poor one-fortieth of your wealth, if you are not in debt.
(“Debt” includes the responsibility to provide both your parents and
your children with a good life.)
Fast during daylight hours through the month of Ramadan. Fasting is
about self-discipline. It's also a great social equalizer that helps everyone
feel the hunger of the poor.
Visit Mecca. Muslims who can af ord it and who are physically able are
expected to go on a pilgrimage (Hajj) to the sacred sites in Mecca and
Medina at least once in their lifetime. h is is interpreted by some Mus-
lims as a command to travel. My favorite Muhammad quote: “Don't tell
me how educated you are; tell me how much you've traveled.”
The Islamic equivalent of the Christian bell tower is a minaret, which the muezzin
traditionally climbs to sing the call to prayer. While traditionally minarets were grand
(as pictured here), in a kind of architectural Darwinism, they are
shrinking. As calls to prayer are now electronically amplifi ed,
the muezzin sings into a mic at ground level, and the minaret's
height is no longer necessary or
worth the expense. Many small,
modern mosques have one mini-
minaret about as awe-inspiring
as your little toe.
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