Environmental Engineering Reference
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institutions are evolving; for example, the local women's organisation has been
active since the 1980s resolving disputes and developing resource use rules.
Additional threats—threats to the anoa
The anoa, a dwarf buffalo endemic to the island of Sualwesi, is little-known, such
that it is even unclear whether it is one or two species. Its range area has declined
markedly compared with historical records, and this is driven by the synergistic
effects of hunting for meat and loss of Sulawesi's forests. Between 1985 and 1997,
89% of Sulawesi's lowland forest was lost, leaving small fragmented anoa popula-
tions in the remaining forested areas. In those areas where habitat is not being
destroyed, unsustainable hunting is instead widespread. The anoa has very few
safe havens that are remote enough for neither of these threats to be operating
(Burton et al . 2005).
In the next two chapters, we show how to use this information to put in place
effective frameworks for sustainable use. In this chapter we discuss management
tools that are commonly used to address the causes and consequences of over-use,
while in Chapter 7, we look at how to implement management plans, monitor
their conservation effectiveness and value for money, and ensure that they are
resilient for the long term.
6.2 A taxonomy of management approaches
There is a bewildering array of methods for classifying types of management
approach, not all of which are applicable in any particular situation, and several of
which are slightly different perspectives on the same underlying issue (Table 6.1).
It can be helpful to go through this typology though, as a way of clarifying the way
that a potential management strategy is likely to influence hunting behaviour.
' Carrot or stick ' addresses whether the manager wishes to modify the target's
behaviour by imposing penalties for doing things that are frowned upon, or giving
rewards for positive behaviour towards the resource. Distractions, on the other
Table 6.1 Different ways to classify management approaches.
Type of incentive
Point in the supply chain
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