Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 3
Information Systems Development
3.1 Introduction
An information system (IS) is commonly known as a system whose central element
is information. Its main purpose is to store, treat, and provide information with the
intention to support speci
c functions or processes within an organization. In this
context, information systems development methodologies (ISDMs) are used by
entities to better organize the IS development process (Zaied et al. 2003 ) and also to
ciently identify the key elements and stages of an IS developing process. The
main purpose of the ISDMs is to aid in the better development of an information
system within a speci
c organization.
Information systems are implemented within an organization with the sole
purpose of improving the effectiveness and ef
ciency of that organization (Hevner
et al. 2004 ). In general, their main goal is to ensure agility in the communication of
information, as well as the quality of the information, because ef
cient communi-
cation is mandatory in any well-organized corporation.
In the last decades, with the exponential growth of the information society, we
have seen an expansion of theory and concepts regarding IS. Thus, a multitude of
models and methodologies was de
ned and studied, with the purpose of estab-
lishing ideal methods of IS development. Gasson ( 1995 ) states that
a methodology
is more than just a method (the
of information systems development, ISD), or
a process-model. A methodology is a holistic approach: it embodies an analytical
framework which is conveyed through intersubjective representational practices
and operationalized through a
of analytical methods, tools and techniques.
Underlying the analytical framework is a process-model which indicates the
sequence and relative duration of development activities
(p. 2). The concept of
methodology, in this context, is the framework that contains all the methods,
actions, and processes used in the development of an information system.
With this concept of methodology in mind, we will list and analyze some of the
most well-known ISDMs that have been established in existing literature.
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