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Prefabricated foot orthoses
Given the wide range of prefabricated orthoses available on the market,
and the range of materials and shape they offer, it is likely that for the
vast majority of patients (> 80 per cent) a functionally valid and clinically
effective insole can be found without the need to cast the foot (see Figures
3.1 and 3.2 ).
This offers several important advantages. First, the cost of off-the-shelf
orthoses is much less than a casted hand- or CADCAM-manufactured
orthosis. Second, most health services carry stocks of orthoses and so
the patient can receive them immediately, removing the need for a fitting
appointment, and delivering the clinical benefit to the patient without
delay. Third, if the orthosis proves effective, more of exactly the same
orthosis can be easily ordered, whereas for a repeated prescription of a
Figure 3.1 Prefabricated foot orthosis - anterior view. Key: A = deep heel cup, B = top of
arch, C = start of arch, D = medial/lateral arch, e = end of arch Salford insole HYPERLINK
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