Environmental Engineering Reference
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Table 1.1. Dictionary definitions of autonomic, autonomicity and autonomous [ 109 ]
au · to · nom · ic
(awt nommik)
1. Physiology.
(a) Of, relating to, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
(b) Occurring involuntarily; automatic: an autonomic reflex.
2. Resulting from internal stimuli; spontaneous.
au · ton · o · mic · i · ty (awt nom i s ıttee)
1. The state of being autonomic.
au · ton · o · mous (aw tonn m s)
1. Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent: an autonomous
judiciary; an autonomous division of a corporate conglomerate.
2. Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.
(a) Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.
(b) Of or relating to a self-governing entity: an autonomous legislature.
(c) Self-governing with respect to local or internal affairs: an autonomous
region of a country.
4. Autonomic.
[From Greek autonomos: auto-, auto- + nomos, law ]
It receives input from sensors as well as from the reaction level and the reflec-
tion level. Reflection, a meta-process where the mind deliberates about itself,
at the top level receives no sensory input and has no motor output; it receives
input from below. The levels relate to speed. For instance, reaction should be
immediate, whereas reflection is consideration over time. Other variations of
this three-tier architecture have been derived in other research domains (see
Table 1.2 ) [ 158 ]. Each approach is briefly discussed below.
In the future communications-paradigms research domain, a new con-
struct, a knowledge plane, has been identified as necessary to act as a per-
vasive system element within the network to build and maintain high-level
models of the network. These indicate what the network is supposed to do
to provide communication services and advice to other elements in the net-
work [ 28 ]. It will also work in coordination with the management plane and
data planes. This addition of a knowledge plane to the existing data and
management/control planes would form a three-tier architecture with data,
management/control, and knowledge planes [ 28 ].
In the late 1990s, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)/
ISO's autonomic information assurance (AIA) program studied defense
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