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Network and Internet Security Concerns
Computer crime is becoming increasingly common. It is essential that you be aware of computer
security and take the necessary steps to secure your data and online identity.
Computer criminals engage in many types of activities that can compromise your computer system,
your data, and your online identity. One of the common threats is phishing . In this type of attack,
nefarious users try to trick unsuspecting users into giving away personal information such as login
details or credit card information.
Often, the goal of hackers or crackers is to obtain a user's password. To do so, they often attempt
password cracking —that is, they attempt to identify a user's password. Password cracking can be
accomplished in several ways, including guessing, using a keylogger to record the user's key-
strokes, social engineering , sniffing, or using any one of a variety of password-cracking tools.
Many computer criminals employ malware —that is, malicious software—in their efforts to
compromise a user's computer system, data, and online identity. There are several types of mal-
ware, including viruses , worms , Trojans , spyware , and ransomware . To protect yourself against
malware, you must run a security program. Although these programs are often called “anti-virus
programs,” they have evolved over the years into a broader security solution that can detect and
protect against viruses, worms, Trojans, and sometimes more complex threats. A good anti-virus
package provides a wide range of protective measures and may include firewall management and
anti-spyware. Many good anti-virus products are in the marketplace, including Symantec, Sophos,
Kaspersky, and McAfee.
Anti-virus programs are less effective against denial of service (DoS) attacks . In this type of
attack, the attacker floods a website or service with thousands of requests for access—so many
that the site or service cannot deal with them all. As a result, legitimate users are prevented from
accessing the site or service. The computers that launch these attacks are called zombies. A zom-
bie is a computer that has been infected with a particular type of Trojan called a bot .
Users should also be wary of Wi-Fi networks. When Wi-Fi networks are not properly secured, it is
easy to steal data on them with little chance of being caught. It's not just un-secure networks that
pose a risk, however. Some wireless networks appear to be genuine, but in fact attempt to inter-
cept your traffic. These types of Wi-Fi networks are called rogue Wi-Fi . Public places where many
people are looking for Wi-Fi, such as coffee shops, restaurants, and airports, are common locations
for rogue Wi-Fi connections.
Network and Internet Privacy Concerns
Using networks and the Internet can put your privacy at risk in a number of ways. For example,
search engine sites can gather information about you based on the terms you search for and the
questions you ask. In addition, websites for which you provide personal information, such as your
name, address, email, and so forth, can store that information and perhaps use it for purposes
other than those you intended. Finally, someone who ascertains the unique identity of your com-
puter can use this information to access your computer via a network and view, change, or delete
your personal data.
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