Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Privacy Laws
To protect people's privacy, there are rules to govern how personal
information is handled. Most countries have data protection and privacy
laws to control the access and distribution of this personal information.
These laws are needed to regulate the companies that hold our personal
information and to ensure that all our information is properly protected.
Different countries have different rules, but most require that any per-
sonal information stored is:
Used only for the intended purpose
Sufficient for the purpose, with no unnecessary information held
Accessible by the owner
Obtained legally
Kept secure from unauthorized access
Deleted when no longer needed
Understanding Social Networking Risks
A social network is an Internet-based system that enables users to inter-
act in real time and by using messaging programs. With a social network,
users can share every aspect of their lives with others. Examples of social
networks include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
social network An Internet-based system that
enables users to interact in real-time and by using
messaging programs.
While sharing information via social networks can be wonderful, it is not
without its risks. It is easy to get carried away on social networks and
publish information about yourself that would be better kept private.
Before you publish too much information about yourself, you must
consider just who can see that data. After you have published it, it is very
difficult—if not impossible—to remove it from the Internet.
Never leave a computer or laptop without logging out of any social network sites you have open. If you remain
logged in, someone else could post information while pretending to be you.
Social networks pose another risk—namely, that some of the “friends”
you make online may not be who they say they are. Be careful how much
you reveal about yourself to such people. Remember: A social network
is global, your new “friends” could be anywhere, and some of them may
ask you to do things you shouldn't.
Never agree to meet in person someone you've met online unless you bring a friend with you for protection
and meet in a very public place, like a coffee shop.
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