Information Technology Reference
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The destination server (domain name): This is indicated by a
domain name, such as (you'll learn more about domain
names in a moment.). In most cases, this domain name is preceded
with the letters www followed by a period.
The path: This is the exact location of the file you are requesting
on the server. For example, the document might be stored in a
folder on the web server called news . A path might also include a
specific filename, such as news/story24871.htm . If no filename
is included in the path, a default page from the specified folder
location loads.
A full URL would be
story24871.htm . Figure 10.1 identifies each portion of the URL.
Figure.10  1 The URL explained.
Notice the use of the forward slash as a separator. This is in contrast to the backslash used in Windows to
describe a file path.
A domain name is a name that identifies an entity on the Internet. It's
a key part of a URL. A company or individual can register for a domain
name. That name can then act as an identifier for that company or
domain name A name that identifies an entity
on the Internet.
In its basic form, a domain name consists of an identifier followed by an
extension, like . The extension, also called the top-level
domain , is often used to identify the type of organization that the name
represents. For example, the .com extension represents a commercial
organization, whereas the .edu extension is reserved for educational
institutions, like .
top-level domain The code at the end of a
URL that indicates the type of organization the
name represents, such as COM for commercial
Some domain names also include a two-letter country code—for exam-
ple, .uk for the United Kingdom, .ca for Canada, and .sa for Saudi
Arabia. Domain names can also include sub-domains—for example, or .
Companies that are global in nature should register their domains in multiple countries. For example, if you
type , you receive Microsoft's home page in Swedish.
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