Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Sum It Up
List three types of wireless connection.
How do a switch and a router differ?
Explain the difference between STP and UTP cable.
What is TCP/IP?
List four ways to connect to the Internet.
Why is satellite Internet not more popular?
Explore More
Finding a Fast Internet Connection
Suppose a neighbor wanted to know what the best Internet connection available in your neighbor-
hood is. Use the Internet to research this topic, and find the fastest service available at your home
address. Collect all the information you can about this service, including:
What company is providing it?
What is the advertised speed of the connection?
What connection technology does it use?
How much does it cost per month?
Are there any start-up costs involved?
Think It Over
Virtual Private Networking
With a VPN, a company can use the Internet to establish a secure communication channel
between two points without going to the expense of leasing a data line. There are some people
who say that it's unfair, though, that large companies can use so much bandwidth, making the
whole Internet run slower for everyone else, without paying for it. Do you agree? Do you think
companies that transfer a large amount of data on an everyday basis should pay more, or should be
forced to lease their own lines?
Metropolitan Area Networks
Suppose you are the mayor of a small town, and it has been suggested that the town install a
metropolitan area network that will provide low-cost, high-speed Wi-Fi to all citizens who want
it. Proponents say that it will encourage people to move to the town and will encourage highly
educated young adults to stay in town instead of moving away. Opponents argue that the town
will go into debt paying for such a system with no guarantee that enough people will sign up for
the service to make it pay for itself. What questions would you want answered in order to help you
make up your mind?
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