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Internet over Cell Phone Networks
Modern cell phone network providers such as Verizon and AT&T not
only offer telephone service, but also Internet service. This service is
mainly offered to be used to access the Internet via smartphones, but it
can also be used to connect other devices as well, such as tablets, note-
books, and even desktops to get Internet access in situations where Wi-Fi
and other Internet connection methods are not available, such as when
riding in an automobile.
Not all areas of cell phone networks worldwide have the appropriate
technology and speed to access the Internet. There have been many
different cell phone standards and technologies over the years, and it
has only been recently, with the development of 3G, that cell phone
networks have become fast enough to support Internet use. 3G , which
stands for 3rd Generation, supports download speeds of up to 14 Mbps.
An even newer and faster technology, 4G , can support up to 100 Mbps
downloads. Cell phone companies provide coverage maps that show the
areas in which they provide 3G or 4G service.
3G Digital technology for moving data through a
cell phone network at up to 14 Mbps.
4G Digital technology for moving data through a
cell phone network at up to 100 Mbps.
If your cell phone data plan is not unlimited, be aware of how much you are using the Internet via your cell
phone, to avoid extra charges for going over your data limit. Your cell phone provider may have a website or a
phone utility that enables you to see how much data you have used on the current billing cycle.
Quick Review
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